Unfortunately there is no mention of what fame or forutune points do for you. At the end of the mission it details the mission rewards, which include Fame and Fortune points. It’s very well detailed, and fun to play, but it’s not a campaign.
The mission section details your raid of a large cargo ship in an attempt to recover a valuable painting, while trying to figure out what happened to the team they sent in before you. The core rules, the monsters, and the mission. Zombies, Wights, and Lesser Vampires are unique and detailed. The monster stats are printed on the same page as their reaction tables. The Layout is noticeabley better than ATZ. Rules were grouped together better and easier to find. It’s a solid and enjoyable game engine, and ATZ and NUTS players will be able to play immediately. I got my hands on ATH last night and couldn’t wait to read through it.ĪTH:O uses the same Chain Reaction 3 core game mechanics that we’ve come to love in ATZ:BDTZ and NUTS 2.0.
#Two hour wargames nuts review free#
Did I mention it was FREE, and totally friggin awesome ?ĭon’t have Santa Claus Wars minaiatures you say ? Check back here often as I’ll be posting links to the OneMonk’s Santa Claus Wars Horde, available SOON !! 2009 12 /24 CATEGORY FREE STTUFF
Chain Reaction is the FREE game engine that most of the 2HrWargames lineup is based on. SANTA CLAUS WARS !!! A FREE Chain Reaction 3.0 supplement based on the Wargames Depot Line of SANTA CLAUS WARS line of figures. Claus have mobilized the Elves, and they’re ready to go toe to toe with old Jack. But it’s easier said than done as Santa and Mrs. Their goal is to take the “Big Guy” out, put a stop to Christmas, and keep the world in never-ending winter. The evil Jack Frost and his minions have mounted an attack on Santa’s Workshop. It’s the night before Christmas, and all hell is breaking loose at the North Pole.
Ed over at 2HrWargames is giving us a gift for Xmas!!